
With ever advancing technologies, people with a variety of background and cultural heritage are coming closer transcending geographical constraints.


Ichijoji Center and Transnational Lodge was built in 1991 to advance the people’s mutual understanding globally and to accommodate scholars and researchers who have come to Kyoto from all over the world. 


It is located in a historical suburb of Kyoto at the foot of Mt. Hiei, which guards the northeastern corner of the ancient capital of Japan for more than twelve hundred years.


On its second floor, five comfortable fully furnished and equipped family rooms are available for you to stay.  Downstairs, the Center has an open conference space, library, Japanese-style special guest room and tea house and a large kitchen for cooking classes.


We hope the friendship of people beyond cultural and national barriers flourish from your experience at our Ichijoji Center.




Ichijoji Center and Transnational Lodge

Toh-Koh-Kai Foundation (Founded 1949)








 一般財団法人 東光会は、”国民保健の向上、医学の進歩、公衆衛生の普及および一般科学の進歩発達に寄与すること”を目的として昭和24年(1949年)に小泉治雄氏により設立されました。新しい国際化時代を迎え、当財団では、時代の要請に応えるべく比叡山の麓、詩仙堂近くの閑静な地に「総合医学研究所・一乗寺国際研修センター」をオープンしました。(1991年)

